Student Tips for Staying Healthy On Campus
By Jeilianne Vazquez
COVID-19 is the worst. Last week, due to COVID, the opening weekend of Living Out was canceled. We had to reschedule the opening night and now are only able to perform four performances. GTA students have become pretty good at making the best of difficult situations, however, and Living Out is a show that no one should miss.
A big thing I’ve noticed on campus as a student is how confused we all are about how we approach coming back fully on campus. Masks are not required, but should we wear them? I’m vaccinated, so I’m good…right? I’m going to hang out with my friends…is that okay?
I am no doctor, and I am not certified to tell you how to live your life. But I’ve put together a few suggestions to help you continue to stay healthy this fall!
As an ex-employee of Chick-Fil-A (shout out and thank you for supporting GTA!), I am used to washing my hands a thousand times a day. You don’t need to do that, but I recommend washing your hands every time you enter a new building, before and after a class, and maybe after shaking hands with some new, just to name a few. (Of course, you should also wash them after you use the restroom…I hope I don’t have to tell you that!)
I have a bottle of hand sanitizer that I keep in my car to always have on hand. They are always nice to have and very convenient!
This is a piece of advice that I need to take myself. Getting quality sleep on a regular basis strengthens your immune system. Sleep is good for you in general, so I’m telling you (and myself) to get some sleep!
I feel like a mom telling you to do this, but take your vitamins, honey! Make sure you are taking vitamin C and vitamin D3 daily.
If you are sick (or even starting to feel sick), stay home. Also, be sure to tell your friends that you are feeling under the weather, so they know to stay away from you. And get some rest!
Stay healthy and stay safe. This semester is going by so fast! Let’s make it to the end as healthy as we can!