APO Big/Little Reveal
By Jeilianne Vazquez
It’s APO Big/Little Week at GTA! APO stands for Alpha Psi Omega, which is the National Theatre Honor Society, and GTA’s chapter is the Alpha Beta Kappa Cast. APO’s philanthropy is Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, which helps men, women, and children across the country receive lifesaving medications, health care, nutritious meals, counseling, and emergency financial assistance. Learn more at AlphaPsiOmega.org.
For Big/Little Week, GTA student Bigs have been leaving secret gifts and notes for their Littles to get them excited for the reveal today! Everyone enjoys the process (especially me!), and I have reached out to several Bigs who want to leave a message for their Littles and tell us why they love being a part of APO!

Why do you love APO?
Anna Nowosielski: APO is a wonderful community, it’s helped me feel closer to people within GTA and it’s so fun to be a part of events!
Emily Starace: I love APO because it is a really amazing community of people who share the same interests. We all strive to be the best that we can be and hype each other up!
Sarah Kay: I love APO for a few reasons, but the first reason that comes to mind is the fact that it’s an organization that has been encouraging theatrical excellence for almost 100 years. To be a part of something that so many actors have taken part in before me is an honor.
Jeilianne Vazquez: APO is a great organization with a beautiful community of people!

Who is your Little and how excited are you about the reveal?
Anna Nowosielski: My Little is the amazing Maddie Watts! I’m so, so excited for the reveal! Ever since I joined APO I’ve been so excited to get a Little and I couldn’t be happier with the one I got!
Emily Starace: My Little is the amazingly talented and brilliant Paris Aguilar! I am super excited for reveal!! I already love her so much and I cannot wait to continue to grow our friendship as Big and Little.
Sarah Kay: My Little is Joshua Daugherty! He actually won’t be at the reveal as far as I know, so I’m a little bummed. He casually mentioned it and I had to hide my disappointment so he wouldn’t know that I’m his Big. Haha.
Jeilianne Vazquez: I have the honor of having two Littles! My twins are Michelle Stover and Brianna Gutierrez! These are two beautiful and talented ladies and I’m so excited to be their Big and for the reveal!

If your Little is reading this, what message would you like to share?
Anna Nowosielski: I know you’re going to do incredible things, because you’re already killing it. I don’t know you super well, but just from getting to know you this past semester, your kindness and your humor is truly wonderful, I can’t wait to watch you grow in this program!
Emily Starace: Paris, if you are reading this, know that you have my whole heart and I adore you!! You are so sweet and truly a light to everyone you encounter. I am so honored to be your Big! I LOVE YOU!!
Sarah Kay: I am so, so proud to be your Big! I genuinely believe that you will have a big and important impact on theatre, whether it be in writing, directing, acting, or whatever else you choose to do. I haven’t seen you fail in the theatre. Everything you touch is filled with individuality and truth. I have never met anyone so filled with a lust for understanding of the world and how theatre impacts and reflects it. You will do great things.
Jeilianne Vazquez: Michelle, just know I’ve always noticed you! I remember seeing you and thinking, “Whose that pretty, shy girl with the cute glasses and curls?” You reminded me of me, HEHE! I can’t wait to get to know you more and I’m so excited! Brianna, you wonderful being! You are so talented and I loved the time we spent together during Living Out! I’m so happy to be your Big!

Why should future students consider joining APO?
Anna Nowosielski: The biggest part of APO for me is the sense of community and leadership opportunities it can provide! And now that we’re able to do in person events again, it’s gonna be even more exciting!
Emily Starace: Future students should consider joining APO because it is 1) A TON OF FUN and 2) a really good chance to form bonds with people in the program that you wouldn’t already have. It really is a welcoming community of people and I love knowing and existing with all of these amazing artists.
Sarah Kay: APO is such a fun thing to be a part of. Between cabarets and philanthropy events, there are always ways to pitch in to help the community here.
Jeilianne Vazquez: APO is a great way to bond with your fellow GTA peers and there are so many opportunities! I cannot wait to see what we do this year!